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The VUCA Antidote: A Managerial Vaccine Against Uncertainty

The acronym VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) originates from the American military and is used to describe chaotic situations. In a VUCA world, no outcome is guaranteed, nothing is sustainable, everything is a matter of opportunity and ambiguity. Black and white have become a mixture of different hues of grey. It is necessary to transform data into clear information, as its methods of evaluation change too quickly to remain relevant long enough.

However, even when one is not the game master, it is possible to turn the tables. How does this principle translate into a managerial context?

Seeing Both Sides of the Coin

In management, the antidote VUCA[1] (which stands here for vision, understanding, clarity and agility) is used as a lever to manage uncertainty. In addition, it helps to stimulate teams operating remotely and to cultivate flexibility. VUCA situations require leaders to adopt ways of doing things that they may not be familiar with. Added to this are the challenges associated with working remotely. It’s easy to see how motivation, productivity, clarity of expectations and meaningful connections can erode. Since we live in a VUCA world, the more a manager evolves in his practice, the more he faces these situations.  In response, it is critical to embrace flexibility by accepting the challenge.

Why VUCA 2.0?

According to author and futurist Bob Johansen of Institute for the future[2], the VUCA antidote seeks to empower rather than overwhelm people. Johansen explains that leaders will need vision, understanding, clarity and agility. Because the VUCA world is not inflexible, volatility can yield to vision, uncertainty can lead to understanding, complexity can yield to clarity, and ambiguity can yield to agility.

The VUCA Antidote will help you accomplish the following with a team that operates remotely:

  • Develop skills and increase confidence among team members
  • Increase your success rate
  • Increase motivation and productivity within the team
  • Promote the transfer of knowledge, skills, and experience




Become visionary leaders who are aware of the value of your talents. To learn more about the VUCA Antidote, its diagnostic tool or to take advantage of a free one-hour consultation session with one of our organizational development consultants, contact us.

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By Mel Beebeejaun, MBA, CRHA, 

HR Blog Editor – Iceberg Management 

[1] General concepts provided by Bob Johansen, in Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leaderships Skills for an Uncertain World (2009)


[2] Institute for the future (s.d.). Bob Johansen: Distinguished Fellow, Taken on 07-19-21 from: https://www.iftf.org/bobjohansen/