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A strong multigenerational culture in 4 steps

This subject has generated a lot of discussion in recent years. Some think generational differences divide us, others think it’s just a myth. However, this is a question that should not be taken lightly. If we do nothing in business to manage this diversity, misunderstandings and conflicts will emerge.

Several means can be put in place to build an inclusive and solid organizational culture. The basic principle to follow: focus on commonalities rather than differences.

But what are the concrete means to mobilize different generations under the same organizational culture?

1 – Offer intergenerational mentoring and create mixed teams

We don’t say it enough, or we don’t do it enough! Bringing the different generations into direct contact will open dialogue and promote understanding. It is mainly in the absence of relationships and communication that we witness conflicts.

2 – Encourage a variety of communication channels

Some prefer digital methods (chat, email, text, video) and others traditional methods (conference call, face-to-face, printed documents). Encourage different groups to use and try various channels. They must respect each other’s preferences, making the effort expected from both sides.

Several activities promote cohesion between different groups to create links and an increased sense of belonging. It does not have to be “physical”, several strategic games are within the reach of organizations. Choose a facilitator who understands the differences and will be adept at pointing out commonalities.

4 – Discourage negative stereotypes

Negative perceptions and stereotypes are very damaging and only widen the gap between generations. Demonstrate how everyone’s strengths can be pooled and complemented to achieve the organization’s objectives.

It is helpful to know generational trends to better understand the vision and values ​​of each group. Each individual is influenced by their own experiences, their environment and the times in which they evolved. Generations present different characteristics in terms of work behavior, management style and leadership. And we must not forget that beyond generational differences, each individual is unique and has their own map of the world. This means that many other factors influence!

Continuous dialogue will allow you to better understand each other’s perspectives and increase the buy-in of your resources in your multigenerational culture. Go for it ! Break stereotypes and become a beautiful, big, united family!


elisabeth djenandji

Affiliate professional coach, certified NLP

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