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Our wish: the survival of your business

In recent months, several Quebecois entrepreneurs stood out because of their great agility. They have adapted to teleworking, to the health measures imposed and sometimes even modified their service offerings, their products and the organization of their work. All these efforts allowed them to survive and for some to prosper. Despite their resilience and perseverance, however, some have been hit harder than others. The sectors of catering, culture and tourism[1] immediately come to mind.

Regardless of their situation, all employers hope for a better world in 2021. The survival of businesses is, without a doubt, a wish that can be found on every list sent to Santa Claus this year. Warm in his workshop in the North Pole, the man with the white beard, accompanied by his elves in blue clothes, brings you gifts under the tree of your company. Here are 3 tips that will help you make that wish come true.

Tip # 1: Review roles and responsibilities

To adapt to the new reality of your external environment, you will need to utilize the potential of your human resources in an optimal way. If your business has faced massive layoffs during the pandemic, resuming activities will certainly require reviewing individual roles and responsibilities. Particularly in times of labor shortage. Use a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix which will give you a simple and clear representation of “who does what”. In this way, you will eliminate redundancies and tasks with no added value. This will allow you to focus on the activities that are essential to your customer journey.

Tip # 2: Motivate the troops

Employees help you achieve your business goals. Their involvement is therefore crucial to survive the crisis. Above all, we must not underestimate the repercussions of the pandemic on their work environment and their performance. To motivate them in difficult circumstances, express your appreciation for their contribution. Make sure you meet their basic needs so that they meet yours in return. And why not offer the autonomy and confidence necessary to transform your key employees into strategic partners? A great way to empower and strengthen everyone’s commitment to your corporate mission.

Tip # 3: Get Support

If your organization cannot continue its activities due to government directives, you can still obtain federal or provincial financial assistance. The Government of Canada is also offering an emergency wage subsidy for operating businesses, as well as an extension of the work-sharing program and layoffs. Visit the pages below to find out what options are available to you:

      1. Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
      2. Emergency Assistance for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (COVID-19)


Several tools and resources are available and easily accessible. Each entrepreneur has of course the responsibility to give themselves the means to survive. And as citizens, we also have a responsibility to support our local economy and give a boost to our entrepreneurs here.

Let’s be our own Santa Claus and make our wishes come true. Let us keep hope… act… show solidarity and encourage our local economy.


By Elyse Marineau, CRHA

Discover our eBook: COVID19: Iceberg Management’s 10 guidelines for crisis management. Contact us for this free gift!

[1] Répercussions économiques de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur les entreprises canadiennes de toutes les catégories de taille. Consulté le 13 décembre https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-626-x/11-626-x2020017-fra.htm