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Good teleworking practices? Order your governance guide!

It’s been 3 months since we got used to permanent teleworking and exclusively remote collaboration. Have you taken a liking to it?

According toStatistics Canada, approximately 40% of Canadians work in jobs that can be done from home. Moreover, many employees do not want to return to the office in order to preserve the better work-life balance they have found. Should you continue teleworking? A question on everyone’s lips today, which has already caused a lot of ink to flow.

Teleworking, an emerging standard… for 10 years!

According toa study conducted by a researcher from the University of Montreal (UdeM),of employees feel that their productivity has increased, even if they work with another remote worker around them. According to the UpWork platform, it is expected that73% of teams will have teleworking workersin 2028.

However, the teleworking formula is not made for everyone and physiological, psychological and emotional needs are sometimes lacking due to the impossibility of showing up at your workstation with your colleagues.

So, if you don’t plan to implement an official teleworking policy, expect your employees to ask you for it. Indeed, the resumption of economic activities will bringits share of adjustments and accommodations, but also confront us with a new reality.

The virtues of a governance guide for teleworking

Your managers have experimented with a new way of working, without having prepared for it. In this context, and with the imminent return to offices, this is an opportunity to equip them with a guide on best practices for effective and appropriate management of remote staff.

What do we find in such a guide? All !

Here are, but not limited to, some topics covered:

  • Conditions for successful implementation of teleworking (supervision of managers, schedules, locations, reimbursement of expenses)
  • The best practices of management by results (or by objectives)
  • Best practices for staying in regular contact with your team
  • Technologies to evaluate to properly meet the needs of the company
  • Prevention of business risks (confidentiality of documents, security of internet connections) and professional illnesses (ergonomics, mental health) linked to teleworking
  • Ways to evaluate the effectiveness of teleworking (what to control? how to control? when to control) and the related performance indicators

Workplaces are changing and we must accept this without being reduced to it. The governance guide is a strategic tool for a company, a tool that will be essential to ensure the healthy transformation of your workplace. A tool that will clearly set you apart from the competition.Order it today !


Noellie Dias
Noellie Dias, CRHP

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