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HR Employer Brand

The 3 most popular strategic components of HR employer branding

The HR employer brand is defined as a strategic tool. It allows for the acquisition of talent from potential candidates as well as the development of loyalty and retention of the internal workforce. Its strategies are based, among other things, on all the components offered as an employer and for which it can be identified.

Also, thanks to these strategies, some employers are fortunate enough to be on the Globe and Mail’s very select annual list of Canadian employers of choice.  This recognition demonstrates the potential of HRM marketing strategies.

So how can you build on these employers to increase your external awareness of the HRM?

Employers of Choice: The 3 most popular HRM strategic components


In a study published last year and based on the Globe and Mail’s Top 100 Employers 2021 list, 3 strategic components of the HRM were identified. These 3 components represent those most frequently posted on the websites of the 2021 Best Employers.


Table presentation.


Table of 3 HRM Components (Sample of 99 Employers of Choice, 2021)

These results demonstrate which 3 components of value-added HRM you can leverage. Employers of choice have strategies and recipes that work.


Take inspiration from what they are doing and optimize your external HRM too!


We would like to acknowledge the excellent work of the author of the comprehensive HRM research, Laurence Bernier, from which we were able to extract this data. For more details, you can find the link to her work in the reference notes.


By Karina Boies, CAdm, SHRM-CP

Contributor to the HR Blog – Iceberg Management Consulting



[1] Bernier, L. (2021). Comment les caractéristiques des employeurs de choix influencent-elles la gestion de

leurs talents clés pour en faire une ressource distinctive créatrice de valeur ajoutée?

Une analyse discursive des sites web des organisations [HEC].Worldcat. https://biblos.hec.ca/biblio/memoires/bernier_laurence_m2021.pdf (p.13)

[1] Ibid;

[1] Ibid; p.23

[1] The Globe and Mail (2021). Canada’s Top 100 Employers 2021. https://www.canadastop100.com/national/