Still performance management in 2019? Yes please!
Performance management is essential to maximize employee potential, motivate and recognize them. Transform this task into positive exchanges!
Return to work: Managing employee requests
Returning to work is a delicate subject as businesses reopen. It is important to consider employee concerns and ensure a safe work environment.
To do or not to do the performance evaluation?
November: performance evaluation. Mechanical process for some companies, but regular follow-up meetings are the new trend.
Your performance appraisal form is gathering dust
Performance evaluation must adapt to the needs and culture of the organization to have a positive impact.
Let’s think outside the box and combine gamification and appreciation of contribution
Young, motivated professional with varied customer service experience and a strong appreciation for teamwork.
Performance evaluation: 2019 trends
Performance appraisal is unloved, but can be adapted into a contribution appreciation program to engage employees.
Work less, but work better: the 4-day week, the recipe for you?
The 4-day work-week is gaining popularity in North America, with potential productivity gains. It may not be feasible for all industries.
Focus on motivation to generate more output
A mini-quiz on the professional motivation of Quebec workers challenges myths about salary and promotion.