Bore-out: Understanding and preventing boredom at work in your teams
Discover bore-out, a worrying phenomenon in the professional world. Learn to recognize the signs of exhaustion linked to boredom and underworkload.
Act 25 : Compliance challenges for businesses
Act 25 in Quebec: protect your customers’ personal data. Learn how to comply with this essential regulation.
An HR consultant posture: consultation VS the advisory role
Discover the importance of the human resources consultant’s posture. Optimize your exchanges and promote the implementation of best HR practices.
4 reasons to use HR outsourcing?
Discover how HR outsourcing can be an essential strategy for meeting the complex challenges of human capital management. A solution that offers much more than the simple delegation of tasks, and represents a decision-making aid for companies of all sizes! With HR Outsourcing, you can free up valuable time and resources.
EDI Initiatives: Are You Achieving the Impact You Want?
Companies are investing in EDI experts and EDI initiatives: are you getting the impact you want?
The title of Adm.A., definition and reason for being.
We will explain to you what the definition of the Adm.A title is and its reason for being. But also, how this title imposes rigor and professionalism.
The institutional memory of an organization
The article explains the importance of an organization’s institutional memory in preserving collective knowledge.
Boost team morale and commitment
New practices to stimulate team engagement in 2022: regular meetings, professional development and support for initiatives.
Unlimited Vacation: How is it possible?
Unlimited vacation meets employees’ need for autonomy and work-life balance to promote retention.
5 reasons to invest in a professional coach for your managers
The 5 concepts that your managers should know in order to perform in their role and reasons to invest in a professional coach