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Wise reminder: good holiday party practices

Are you looking forward to hosting a holiday party with your team this year? In today’s post-pandemic, tepid socio-economic climate, organizing a holiday party with your team can be a healthy, even necessary, activity. It can give team members a chance to let off steam and put the emphasis on p-l-a-i-s-i-r! But how do you ensure that this event is a home run? The event that everyone will be talking about in the weeks to come? Here are a few best practices to put into practice.

Get involved!

It may sound obvious, but your presence is more than welcome, it’s necessary! As with all HR projects, you have a say and you’re in the best position to bring your company’s culture to life. It’s YOUR holiday party! Make the most of it! I’d even encourage you to share your suggestions with the event organizers beforehand, so that the holiday party reflects your image. Of course, if you can’t make it, it’s important to let the organizers know as soon as possible.

Go easy on the booze!

Your employer is feeling generous this year and the alcohol is flowing? Always keep in mind that you need to be professional, even when you’re celebrating. You don’t want to regret certain actions or words and have that label for the rest of the year! Have you gone a bit overboard despite these tips? Plan a safe way home.

Respect the dress code!

Whether or not there’s a theme to your festivities, it’s important that your attire remains tasteful and professional. Apply the same guidelines as for your work performance, but add a festive touch.

Oops! I have food allergies!

Do you have food allergies or restrictions, and the organizers neglected to ask? Take the bull by the horns and save yourself a nightmare of an evening. Let the people in charge know as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made.

Should I post or not post on social networks?

Selfie. Team photo. Be careful! Although your organization is delighted that you’re capturing this wonderful event, make sure you don’t publish any content that could be considered inappropriate or offensive. Also remember to ask your colleagues for their consent before publishing a photo of them on social networks.
Mingle with the group!The holiday party is a great opportunity to socialize!Take the opportunity to mingle and get to know your colleagues from other departments.

Respect, respect, respect!

Make sure all your colleagues, and their escorts if applicable, feel welcome! Respect is the key to a successful evening!
With these best practices, you should have a memorable holiday party! Enjoy the festivities!


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