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Why micro-learning is essential

This powerful efficiency lever for team building

One of the greater challenges for managers in times of labor shortages is to manage to free up their employees for several hours of training. Added to this reality are teams that work in customer service, those that are subject to production quotas, or other groups that alternate between periods of remote and in-person work. An innovative solution now these concerns effectively: micro-learning. This expanding concept maximizes learning while preserving the well-being and productivity of teams.

What are its virtues and why would your organization benefit from using it?

Break up learning

First off, this concept parcels complex or dense content into several sequences. This allows employees to gain a better assimilation of the information, so it can be put into practice more quickly when they return to work. However, breaking up long content is not enough to create effective micro-training.

Emphasize a key skill by going to the essentials

Indeed, a key aspect is to focus on the acquisition of a specific skill. It is fundamental to have specific learning goals that focus on the content’s value and how fast it can be repeated. It is a matter of synthetizing the information for the trainer, who must select what needs to be eliminated, such as context or theory elements. Emphasis is therefore placed on the usefulness of the information for the learner, and the need to put it into practice immediately after the training.

Include an explanation behind all answers

Another key aspect of this way of learning: meaning. During the scenarios, whether the learner chooses the right or the wrong answer, the evaluation is constructed in such a way as to tell them why they failed or they succeeded in real time. This step has the advantage of strengthening the skill’s acquisition, in addition to allowing the learner to pass on their knowledge more easily to their colleagues.

Evaluate according to levels with increasing difficulty

Micro-learning training also has a fun aspect that facilitates learner engagement. Indeed, the training is segmented by level of learning. These are scenarios that become more complex depending on the acquisition of practical knowledge. Research shows that micro-learning can increase engagement by more than 50%.

In conclusion, how long does it last? 1 hour maximum. Consider 15-minute capsules for a technical skill on a computer tool, or 30 minutes if you are looking to practice rebuttal or feedback techniques. This learning method is undoubtedly a powerful and effective tool to train your teams.

Want to break up your training courses to make them faster and more efficient? We have certified trainers and andragogy experts who can support you.


By Albertine Girard, Adm.A, M.Sc, ICF, Consultant in strategic management and professional coach, contributor to the HR blog – Iceberg Management

By Julie Tardif, CRHA, Speaker, Certified Trainer and Human Resources Consultant, HR blog Editor – Iceberg Management