HR coaching is a personalized approach adapted to the individual needs of the coachee.
In the world of human resources, the now clichéd word “toolbox” is used to describe the resources needed at your fingertips. HR coaching is like a guided exploration of all these possible tools to discover. But with one major advantage: being accompanied by a professional coach. Thanks to this partnership, these tools become tailor-made and not ‘’ready-to-wear’’. Indeed, the coach will take the time to understand the tools (or resources) that the coachee already possesses, and which tools are not in the coachee’s field of expertise. Rather than taking a toolbox off the shelf, the coachee gets exactly what they need.
A bespoke approach
Indeed, the approach stems from the fact that the HR coach will meet the manager exactly where they are right now. Together, the coach and the coachee will determine the desired state. Often the approach revolves around simple objectives. This can be taking the posture of a leader or developing communication skills. Or, how to maintain relationships founded on trust, deal with the unknown and anxiety-provoking situations.
The traditional approach to skills development is to provide formal training or to learn “by experience’’. These approaches have their place, of course, but also have limitations. Managers undergoing training will not have the opportunity to discuss their fears or explore their limiting beliefs in the formal training space.
Why offer HR coaching
The benefits of HR coaching are numerous, and companies that offer it to their managers can benefit from it in several ways. First, HR coaching allows managers to better understand the complex issues within human resources management. Second, they learn to recognize the skills and talents of their team members and manage conflict. Third, HR coaching sessions also allow leaders to better understand the strategic challenges of the company and align their contributions the organization’s objectives while having a human approach. Navigating gray areas is not always easy!
Moreover, HR coaching allows managers to develop their leadership and their ability to direct their team. They learn to communicate better, delegate effectively and make difficult decisions. HR coaching can also help managers better manage their precious time and improve their stress management. By asking powerful, open, non-judgmental questions, the real sources of stress will emerge and can be addressed. There is a positive effect on mental health when stress is alleviated and the person feels supported.
Finally, HR coaching can have a positive impact on employee motivation and productivity because the manager who receives coaching has support behind the scenes. Managers who have benefited from HR coaching are equipped to manage their team and motivate their employees. This can result in increased productivity, higher engagement levels, and job satisfaction.
When to offer HR coaching to your managers
Offering HR coaching to a manager who is taking on a new challenge, is new to the role or has little knowledge of human resources management is a vector of success. Organizations that offer HR coaching to their managers can benefit from better performance and greater job satisfaction from their employees.
Curious to know more? Contact our team of professional coaches for an exploratory call.
By Caroline Thomson, CRHA
Contributor to the HR blog – Iceberg Management